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A Lesson on Kenya Save As Favorite

A Lesson on Kenya Grade: Grade 7
Subject: English Language Arts
Created by: Ronkevius Smalls
Lesson Length: More than 3 hours
Keywords/Tags: Kenya
Lesson Description: The goal of this lesson is for students to be able to utilize and build upon the reading skills they have developed over the years. In this lesson, students will be reviewing an informative text about the country of Kenya. Students will use information from the text and use additional resources to be able to compose information about Kenya and answer vocabulary and comprehension questions. Questions will be in the form of multiple choice and essay formats.
Common Core Standards Covered with This Lesson
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources as well as to interact and collaborate with others, including linking to and citing sources.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions for further research and investigation.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.4a: Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.4d: Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by checking the inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary).
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.5b: Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., synonym/antonym, analogy) to better understand each of the words.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Lesson Content: Reading
Instructions: Please read the following reading passage as many times as needed (aloud and silent) before starting to go through other lesson pages. Understanding the content of this passage is very important since the lesson activities will be all about this content. Feel free to print the passage if needed.


The Republic of Kenya is a country in East Africa. Ethiopia borders Kenya to the north. Kenya is bordered by Somalia to the northeast, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west. On the Southeast is the Indian Ocean.

Mount Kenya is the highest point in this country. It is a wonderful place to see a great country. It really is the second highest mountain peak in Africa. Kenyans have much to be proud of, including a history of great cultures. This area was a trading center. And it still is a nature center. There are many acres of wildlife habitat where you can see native animals of Africa, especially lions, leopards, and elephants.

Part of their history was a time of problems. At some times, other countries attacked to take over the country. There was much fighting. Kenya was made a British colony. That meant that Kenyans did not rule their own land.

The native people of Kenya believed in independence. They did not want to be a colony. It took years, but they got their land back. Kenya became independent in 1963, and the Kenyan people declared not only their independence but formed a country. They took the name Kenya as the name of their country.

Kenya has a long history, and people lived there for thousands of years before the British took over. If you go to a museum in Kenya, you will see objects that people made hundreds of years ago. You will see that there were great leaders in the past. You will find that there are several different cultures within this one country.

Today Kenya’s economy relies on tourism and agriculture. The country exports many food products. Kenya has some of the most beautiful game parks and national parks on the continent. People come to see the animals living as they have lived for centuries.

There are different groups of people in Kenya. It was not one country before it became a colony. Different groups lived in different places and had their own languages and ways of living. After independence, they joined together in one country, but they still have differences.

The Kikuyu are one group in Kenya. They have lived there for centuries. When the area became a colony, one of the Kikuyu leaders helped bring about progress. That leader was named Jomo Kenyatta. He would become the first president of Kenya. Another Kikuyu has been a world leader. She is Wangari Maathai. She won the Nobel Peace Prize for her accomplishments to help people work together for progress.

There are other culture groups within Kenya. While they are from the same region they have different histories. Each has its own traditions. Traditions should be respected. While most people in Kenya speak and write in English because of the colonial years, each culture has its own language and history. There still are problems having a united country.

In 2008, all the people of Kenya joined together in pride. That was the year that the son of a Kenyan was elected the President of the United States. Barack Obama’s family includes people living in Kenya today as well as in the United States. We now have a very special connection to this great African country.

Task 1: Vocabulary Activity (20 points)
Instructions: Please complete the following vocabulary activity by choosing the correct meaning of each word selected from the passage and use of each word correctly in a sentence.

Vocabulary Questions

Word/Phrase: export | Tier: 2 | Points: 5
Q1 A synonym of exports is…
A. Import *
B. Retain
C. Transport
D. None of the above

Using the word export, write a sentence describing what export means.
A. Kenya export many of it's natural crops to other countries around the world.
B. Exporting means to take goods and or resources from one country and take it to another. *
C. Kenya exports goods only to the United States.
D. Exporting is the act of goods and or resources coming into a country.

Word/Phrase: Native People | Tier: 2 | Points: 5
Q2 The phrase "native people" in the passage is used to talk about...
A. The original settlers of what was Kenya before the country was called Kenya. *
B. The original settlers of Africa.
C. The people who reclaim Kenya as their own country.
D. None of the above

Use the phrase "native people" in a sentence.
A. Native people
B. The people of America are beautiful.
C. The native people of Kenya has different cultural backgrounds. *
D. none of the above

Word/Phrase: Economy | Tier: 3 | Points: 5
Q3 The word economy refers to...
A. The wealth of Kenya. *
B. Kenya's trading abilities.
C. The location of Kenya in Africa.
D. The amount of tourism and agriculture that Kenya produces.

Using the word economy, write a sentence describing what economy means.
A. The economy of Kenya is very low and the country is slowly dying.
B. The word economy is used to tell of the wealth and or resources that a country has. *
C. Both sentences are correct.
D. none of the above are correct

Word/Phrase: Agriculture | Tier: 3 | Points: 5
Q4 A synonym of agriculture is...
A. Production *
B. Farming
C. Both are synonyms
D. None of the words are synonyms

Use the word agriculture in a sentence.
A. The agriculture must provide the farmers with a living. *
B. The farmers must plant food to grow.
C. Both sentences works perfectly.
D. Neither sentences is correct.

Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.4a, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.4d, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.4d, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.5b, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.6,
Task 2: Discussion Activity (35 points)
Instructions: Anwser the question below using information from the text and information from your prior knowledge. Anwser the question to the best of your abilities.

  Topic Title Replies

Message Using supporting information from the text, why do you think the natives declared their independence from the British Colony?
In the passage, the author tells of how the native people were once ruled by the British people. While under the British rule, the native people did not like being ruled by another country so the native people rebelled against the British and took back their independence. Why do you think the native people took back their indepence from the British?
Sent on: Jun 28, 2014 by: Ronkevius Smalls

Message Being that you are a resident of the United States, why do you think that it was a huge accomplishment for the people of Kenya that Barack Obama was elected President of the United States?
In 2008, the United States of America elected it's first African-American Preseident. The first African-American President's father is Kenyian and the President has family in Kenya. To the Kenyian people, this was a big accomplishment. Why do you think it was a huge accomplishment for Kenya that President Barock Obama was elected the President of the United States of America?
Sent on: Jun 28, 2014 by: Ronkevius Smalls

Message Thinking beyond the passage, why do you think Kenya was a great trading center?
At one point, Kenya was once a trading center. Why do you think Kenya was chosen to be a trading center?
Sent on: Jun 28, 2014 by: Ronkevius Smalls

Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.7, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.9,
Task 3: Writing Activity (45 points)
Instructions: In Kenya there are different groups of people that inhabit the country. Referring to the passage and using additional resources, choose a group that inhabits Kenya. Once you have chosen a group, research that group and write a 500 word essay about the group. Included in your paper information such as what is the group, what are the group’s beliefs, where does most of the group resided in Kenya, how long as the group been around, and any additional information about the group. In your essay, you are to be as detailed as possible and you are to include additional resources (make sure that you properly cite the resources used in your essay). The citation page does not count towards your 500 word number count. You can submit your assignment using the box below.
Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.6,

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