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A Lesson on Community Progress Save As Favorite

A Lesson on Community Progress Grade: Grade 6
Subject: English Language Arts
Created by: Nykisha Davis
Lesson Length: 45 minutes
Keywords/Tags: Community, Mural,
Lesson Description: This lesson is to teach students' the importance of school and community working together. This lesson allows students to dream and know that their are people out there who believe in them and that they can be anything they want with determination, dedication, and perservance.
Common Core Standards Covered with This Lesson
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.6.2: Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
Lesson Content: Reading
Instructions: Please read the following reading passage as many times as needed (aloud and silent) before starting to go through other lesson pages. Understanding the content of this passage is very important since the lesson activities will be all about this content. Feel free to print the passage if needed.

Community Progress

I was a part of our school’s mural. I helped to paint the mural, and I am actually pictured in it, too. When you view the mural, you will notice my picture. The mural shows children playing, and I am there, too—you can see me in the mural.

The mural also represents the future. It illustrates what we strive to be when we get older. Our teachers asked us all to choose specific careers. They asked what type of job we want to hold in the future. I chose a 
teacher because I would really enjoy becoming a teacher. Our principal said, we want to make this vision clear—we want our community to see what your future can be. She said we could paint that big mural on the wall outside the school. She asked the community to donate money to pay for the paint. They did. Our art teacher stayed after school to help us.

After we painted the mural, a newspaper reporter came to our school. She said she had heard about our mural project from a friend, and she had then told her editor about it. An editor is the person who decides which stories will be presented in the newspaper. The editor said it was a terrific story about community pride and progress, which is why she sent the reporter to learn all about our mural. 

The reporter discussed the mural with us. When she left, a photographer arrived at our school. The photographer said that the newspaper was going to publish a story about the mural. The photographer took many photos and said the editor would choose one for the newspaper. 

The newspaper put the story in the paper. Everyone was really excited. That day, the newspapers sold out in our community stores. Everyone wanted a copy of the newspaper so they could see our 
community in the paper. People came from other neighborhoods just to see our mural. Principals of other schools came to see the mural. They had read about us in the newspaper and wanted to help their school make a mural. That way, their school would look special, also.

Our principal was extremely proud of what we had done. She met with the parents and told them, “I believe we need another mural. Our building has several more walls. We need you to help.” Visit our school today and you will see more murals that show how proud we are of our community.

Task 1: Vocabulary Activity (40 points)
Instructions: Please complete the following vocabulary activity by choosing the correct meaning of each word selected from the passage and use of each word correctly in a sentence.

Vocabulary Questions

Word/Phrase: I was a part of our school's mural. I helped to paint the mural, and I am actually pictured in it, too... What does the word | Tier: 3 | Points: 10
Q1 I was a part of our school's mural. I helped to paint the mural, and I am actually pictured in it, too... What does the word "mural" mean in this sentence?
A. Art
B. Expression
C. Paint *
D. Sketch

Which sentence below uses the word " mural" correctly?
A. The students painted a beautiful mural on the side of the buildings througout the school. *
B. Mr. Williams announced that he will select the best mural and that student will recieve an award.
C. Jon and Steve will assist in the mural design for the neighborhood project.
D. Mural's allow students' to express their feelings

Word/Phrase: The mural also represents the future. It illustrates what we strive to be when we get older. | Tier: 2 | Points: 10
Q2 The author in our story says "The mural also represents the future. It "illustrates" what we strive to be when we get older. What does the word illustrate mean in this sentence?
A. represents *
B. hides
C. chooses
D. clear

Whisch one of the sentence below uses the word "illustrates" correctly?
A. She illustrated a bird in art class.
B. Her grades illustrates hard work and dedication to her education. *
C. All students' will illustrate a picture today in class.
D. Most children like to draw illustrations.

Word/Phrase: She said she had heard about our mural project from a friend, and she had then told her editor about it. | Tier: 3 | Points: 10
Q3 The author in our story says "She said she had heard about our mural project from a friend, and she had then told her editor about it." What does the word "editor" in mean in this sentence?
A. One who selects which story's will be presented in the newspaper. *
B. One who writes the story's that are presented in the newspaper.
C. One who takes photo's of the pictures that are presented in the newspaper.
D. One who edits the writings of the story's.

Which one of the sentence below uses the word "editor" correctly?
A. The editor took several pictures of the students' and he presented them in the newspaper.
B. The editor decided to put our story in the newspaper. *
C. The editor wrote several stories about our school and presented them in the newspaper.
D. The editor helped us write our story.

Word/Phrase: Our principal said, we want to make this vision clear- we want our community to see what your future can be. | Tier: 2 | Points: 10
Q4 The author in our story says. "Our principal said, we want to make this vision clear- we want our community to see what your future can be." What does the word "community" mean in this sentence?
A. Neighborhood *
B. Mother
C. Father
D. Siblings

Which one of the sentence below uses the word "community" correctly?
A. The community came together to support the annual clothing donation. *
B. What communtiy are you from?
C. He works at the community center.
D. Do you know how to get to their community?

Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.4, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.10,
Task 2: Discussion Activity (30 points)
Instructions: This discussion forum will have questions for students to respond. Read the posted questions, and respond to each. Students are responsible for posting one initial and and two peer responses for each topic.

  Topic Title Replies

Message How does the "mural represent the futrure?"
The author states that the "mural also represents the future."  Explain what is meant by this sentence.
Sent on: Oct 13, 2013 by: Nykisha Davis

Message Why does the editor say " it was a terrific story about community pride and progress."
Explain what is meant by " The editor said it was a terifidc story about community pride and progress, which is why she sent the reproter to learn all about our mural.'
Sent on: Oct 13, 2013 by: Nykisha Davis

Message Why do other principals come to see the mural?
"Principals of other schools came to see the mural. Explain why "other principals came to see the mural and what signficance would the mural have for there students, school and community?
Sent on: Oct 13, 2013 by: Nykisha Davis

Message What is the signifance of the reporter discussing the mural with the students.
Explain what is meant by " The reporter discussed the mural with us."
Sent on: Oct 13, 2013 by: Nykisha Davis

Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.4, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.6.2, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.6.10,
Task 3: Writing Activity (30 points)
Instructions: You are to write and post here 500 words essay on .... Make sure to provide specific examples. For your writitng assignment reflect on the passage and wrtie 2-4 paragraphs on what your community and school means to you. State how if you given the oppourtuinty , how would you use a mural to bring your school and community together.
Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.2, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.3,

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