Rubric Generator

Design clear and structured grading criteria for assignments.

Assignment Feedback

Submit your assignment along with the rubric to receive feedback.

Online Module Developer

Create an online lesson module with objectives, content, forums, and assessments, ready to integrate into Canvas.

Class Announcement

Keep class informed and engaged. Streamline communication on an LMS or other system.

Discussion Prompt Generator

Create engaging and thought-provoking discussion prompts to foster active participation in class discussions.

Case Study Generator

Generate case studies for use in teaching, complete with context, problem statements, and potential questions for discussion.

Course Feedback Analysis Tool

Automatically analyze student feedback on courses to identify key themes, strengths, and areas for improvement.

Text Summarizer

Condense lengthy texts into concise, informative summaries.

PowerPoint Outline Generator

Draft a structured outline for your PowerPoint presentations.

Abstract Generator

Produce a high-quality abstract for your paper or presentation from your summary text.


Copy paste your academic content and have it rephrased while maintaining the original meaning.

Qualitative Data Analyses

Copy paste your research data to automatically analyze using various qualitative analysis methods.

Research Simulation Tool

Refine and prepare your research design before actual implementation.

Survey Creator

Design and distribute surveys to gather data efficiently for your research.

Qualitative Data Analyzer

Utilize advanced tools for in-depth qualitative data analysis.

Quantitative Data Analyzer

Employ powerful statistical methods to analyze quantitative data.

Reference Style Converter

Convert citations into APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard styles.

Title Generator

Generate up to 10 unique title options based on your research abstract or content.

Abstract Generator

Produce a high-quality abstract for your paper or presentation from your summary text.

Text Summarizer

Condense lengthy texts into concise, informative summaries.

Bibliography Organizer

Efficiently organize and manage your literature review sources.

Hypothesis Tester

Test your research hypotheses using various statistical methods.

Research Paper Formatter

Automatically format your research paper according to various style guidelines.

Plagiarism Checker

Ensure the originality of your research work by checking for potential plagiarism.

Ethics Compliance Checker

Review your research proposal to ensure it meets ethical guidelines.

Sample Size Calculator

Determine the appropriate sample size for your study.

Content Analysis Tool

Perform content analysis to systematically categorize textual information.

Data Cleaning Tool

Clean and prepare your raw data for analysis.

Interview Question Creator

Build comprehensive questionnaires for interviews.

Research Methodology Advisor

Submit your research ideas to determine the best methodology.

Research Idea Generator

Generate research topic ideas based on keywords or areas of interest.

Trend Analysis Summarizer

Get the latest trends and advancements in a specific research area.

Data Collection Methods Advisor

Generate data collection methods based on your research design.

Ask Any Questions

Ask any academic research-related questions and get detailed responses.

Research Question Refinement

Refine your initial research questions to ensure they are clear and focused.

Statistical Test Selector

Get advice on the most suitable statistical tests for your data.

Theoretical Framework Builder

Build a theoretical framework for your research.

Discussion and Conclusion Drafter

Draft the discussion and conclusion sections for your research paper.

Peer Review Simulator

Simulate a peer review for your research paper or project.

Service Evidence Request Generator

Simplify evidence letter requests, showcasing faculty service contributions.

Service Evidence Letter Generator

Create evidence letter showcasing faculty service contributions.

Faculty CV Checker

Receive detailed review and feedback on your CV, ensuring your qualifications and experiences are highlighted effectively.

Write Reference Letter

Draft professional and persuasive reference letters.

Write an Email in Multiple Languages

Generate a professional email and translate it into multiple languages.

Text Translator

Take any text and translate it into any language instantly.

Faculty Cover Letter

Guide faculty in crafting compelling cover letters for academic positions.

Faculty Job Interview

Offer insights and practice questions to help faculty navigate job interviews.

Book Summary & Review

Enter a book title to generate a summary and review.

Write a Multi-Language Email Response

Generate a professional email response and translate it into multiple languages.

Text Proofreader

Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and add clarity to any text.

Peer Teaching Evaluation

Highlight a peer faculty's strengths and provide actionable improvement suggestions from teaching observations.

Preservice Teacher Observation

Highlight a preservice teacher's strengths and provide actionable improvement suggestions from teaching observations.