Higher education stakeholders have positive attitudes towards AI integration, recognizing its potential while emphasizing the need for ethical guidelines and proper implementation.
Objective: To comprehensively investigate the impact of AI on higher education in Saudi Arabia by examining stakeholders' attitudes, perceptions, and expectations regarding its implementation.
- Quantitative approach using an online survey questionnaire (N=1,113)
- Data collected from students, faculty, and administrators
- Survey included questions about AI tools usage, purposes, difficulties, and perceptions
- Statistical analysis including MANOVA tests
Key Findings:
- High level of positive attitudes towards AI in higher education (mean scores 4.19-4.43)
- Strong recognition of AI's potential for personalized learning and administrative efficiency
- Emphasis on ethical considerations and guidelines for implementation
- Significant relationship between AI usage patterns and attitudes
- Privacy and security concerns rated as moderate challenges
- Supports the integration of AI in higher education with proper ethical guidelines
- Highlights the need for comprehensive implementation strategies
- Emphasizes the importance of addressing technical and ethical challenges
- Demonstrates stakeholder readiness for AI adoption
- Reliance on self-reported data
- Potential regional/cultural bias (Saudi Arabia focus)
- May not fully incorporate all contextual factors
- Limited exploration of broader societal implications
Future Directions:
- Conduct cross-cultural and comparative studies
- Perform interdisciplinary research on AI in education
- Examine broader societal implications
- Analyze implementation in different educational contexts
Title and Authors: "Exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on higher education: The dynamics of ethical, social, and educational implications" by Abdulrahman M. Al-Zahrani and Talal M. Alasmari
Published On: July 13, 2024
Published By: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications